Do Timers Continue to Run With Messagebox show

In this Article

  • VBA MsgBox Function
  • VBA YesNo Message Box
  • VBA Message Box Options
  • Syntax of MsgBox Function
  • Customize Message Box Title and Prompt
    • MessageBox LineBreaks
  • MsgBox Icons
    • MsgBox Icons – Information
    • MsgBox Icons – Critical
    • MsgBox Icons – Question
    • MsgBox Icons – Exclamation
  • MsgBox Variables
    • OK Message Box – vbOKOnly
    • OK Cancel Message Box – vbOKCancel
    • Yes No Message Box – vbYesNo
    • Yes No Cancel Message Box – vbYesNoCancel
    • Abort Retry Ignore Message Box – vbAbortRetryIgnore
    • Retry Cancel Message Box – vbRetryCancel
  • VBA MessageBox Examples
    • Message Box Confirmation Before Running Macro
    • Yes / No Message Box – Exit Sub
  • VBA Message Box in Access VBA

This tutorial will cover how to use the VBA MsgBox Function to display messageboxes to users (including the YesNo Messagebox). You might also be interested in our article on InputBoxes.

VBA MsgBox Function

In VBA, it's easy to display a simple MsgBox:

          MsgBox "This is a Message Box"        

vba messagebox

However you can do a lot more than display a simple OK message box. Let's quickly look at complicated example before we dive into specifics…

VBA YesNo Message Box

Below we will create a message box with:

  • A title "Message Box Title" and prompt "Text"
  • A question mark icon
  • Yes / No options instead of a simple "OK"
  • Default button = 'No'
          Dim answer As Integer  answer = MsgBox("Text", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Message Box Title")        

vba yesno messagebox

The messagebox will return vbYes or vbNo depending on the user's choice. You can then then perform different actions based on the choice:

          If answer = vbYes Then   MsgBox "Yes" Else   MsgBox "No" End If        

In the next section we will show you all of the options available to you when creating message boxes. Then we will introduce you to the syntax of the MsgBox Function and finally go over other message box examples.

VBA Message Box Options

Take a look at the image below. Here you will see (almost) all of the options available to you when creating message boxes. Take notice of the icons and the different buttons.

vba write messagebox code

This is a screenshot of the "MessageBox Builder" from our Premium VBA Add-in: AutoMacro. The MessageBox Builder allows you to quickly design your desired messagebox and insert the code into your code module. It also contains many other code builders, an extensive VBA code library, and an assortment of coding tools. It's a must-have for any VBA developer.

Syntax of MsgBox Function

MsgBox( prompt [, buttons ] [, title ] [, helpfile, context ] )

prompt (Required) – This is the primary message box text.

buttons – Choose which buttons to display. If omitted, 'OKonly'. Here you can also specify what icon to show and the default button.

title – The title at the top of the message box. If omitted, the name of the current application is displayed (ex. Microsoft Excel).

helpfile – Specify help file that can be accessed when user clicks on the 'Help' button. If specified, then you must also add context (below)

context – Numeric expression representing the Help context number assigned to the appropriate Help topic.

You can probably ignore the helpfile and context arguments. I've never seen them used.

Customize Message Box Title and Prompt

The MsgBox function allows you to customize the title and prompt messages like so:

          Msgbox "Prompt",,"Title"        

Another example:

          Sub MsgBoxPromptTitle()   MsgBox "Step 1 Complete. Click OK to run step 2.",, "Step 1 of 5" End Sub        

vba messagebox okonly

Important! You must remember to surround your text with quotations.

MessageBox LineBreaks

You can also add line breaks to your message box prompts with 'vbNewLine'.

          Sub MsgBoxPromptTitle_NewLine()   MsgBox "Step 1 Complete." & vbNewLine & "Click OK to Run Step 2.", , "Step 1 of 5" End Sub        

vba messagebox insert line

Notice we use the & symbol to join text together. You can learn more about using & with text and other options for inserting linebreaks in our article on joining text.

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MsgBox Icons

VBA gives you the ability to add one of four pre-built icons to your message boxes:

Icon Constant Icon
vbInformation vba information msgbox icon
vbCritical vba critical msgbox icon
vbQuestion vba question msgbox icon
vbExclamation vba exclamation msgbox icon

The Icon constant should be placed within the button argument:

          Sub MsgBoxQuestionIcon()   MsgBox "Question Example", vbQuestion End Sub        

This will generate the default 'OK' message box with the Question icon:

vba msgbox icon

Notice how when you type, the VBA Editor will show you the options available to you:

vba msgbox syntax

This is helpful because you don't need to remember the exact syntax or names of icons or buttons.

Now we will demo each message box icon:

MsgBox Icons – Information

          Sub MsgBoxInformationIcon()   MsgBox "Information Example", vbInformation End Sub        

vba msgbox information

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MsgBox Icons – Critical

          Sub MsgBoxCriticalIcon()   MsgBox "Critical Example", vbCritical End Sub        

vba critical message box

MsgBox Icons – Question

          Sub MsgBoxQuestionIcon()   MsgBox "Question Example", vbQuestion End Sub        

vba msgbox icon

MsgBox Icons – Exclamation

          Sub MsgBoxExclamationIcon()   MsgBox "Exclamation Example", vbExclamation End Sub        

msgbox exclamation icon

Below we will talk about generating message boxes with different button layouts. If you do choose a different message box type, you will need to append the icon type after the buttons using a "+":

          Sub MsgBoxQuestionIcon()   MsgBox "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion End Sub        

vba messagebox question

MsgBox Variables

So far we have worked primarily with the default 'OK' message box. The OK message box only has one option: Pressing 'OK' allows the code to continue.  However, you can also specify other button groupings: OK / Cancel, Yes / No, etc.

In which case you will want to perform different actions based on which button is pressed.  Let's look at an example.

Here is the message box we will generate:

vba yes no msgbox

This is the entire code (we will break it down next):

          Sub MsgBoxVariable()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("Do you want to Continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)    If answer = vbYes Then     MsgBox "Yes"   Else     MsgBox "No"   End If  End Sub        

First we assign the messagebox output to an integer variable.

          Dim answer As Integer  answer = MsgBox("Do you want to Continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)        

Next we use an If-Else to determine what to do based on which button is pressed:

          If answer = vbYes Then   MsgBox "Yes" Else   MsgBox "No" End If        

The MsgBox function returns an integer value (between 1-7) so we define the variable as an integer type.  However, instead of referring to the integer number, you can refer to a constant (ex. vbOK, vbCancel, etc.).  Look at this table to see all of the options:

Button Constant Value
OK vbOK 1
Cancel vbCancel 2
Abort vbAbort 3
Retry vbRetry 4
Ignore vbIgnore 5
Yes vbYes 6
No vbNo 7

Now we will demo each button grouping:

OK Message Box – vbOKOnly

messagebox okonly

This is the standard VBA messagebox.

          Sub MsgBox_OKOnly()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("OKOnly Example", vbOKOnly)  End Sub        

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OK Cancel Message Box – vbOKCancel

messagebox okcancel

          Sub MsgBox_OKCancel()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("OK Cancel Example", vbOKCancel)    If answer = vbOK Then     MsgBox "OK"   Else     MsgBox "Cancel"   End If  End Sub        

Yes No Message Box – vbYesNo

messagebox yes no

          Sub MsgBox_YesNo()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("Yes No Example", vbYesNo)    If answer = vbYes Then     MsgBox "Yes"   Else     MsgBox "No"   End If  End Sub        

Yes No Cancel Message Box – vbYesNoCancel

messagebox yes no cancel

          Sub MsgBox_YesNoCancel()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("Yes No Cancel Example", vbYesNoCancel)    If answer = vbYes Then     MsgBox "Yes"   ElseIf answer = vbNo Then     MsgBox "No"   Else     MsgBox "Cancel"   End If  End Sub        

Abort Retry Ignore Message Box – vbAbortRetryIgnore

messagebox abort retry ignore

          Sub MsgBox_AbortRetryIgnore()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("Abort Retry Ignore Example", vbAbortRetryIgnore)    If answer = vbAbort Then     MsgBox "Abort"   ElseIf answer = vbRetry Then     MsgBox "Retry"   Else     MsgBox "Ignore"   End If  End Sub        

AutoMacro | Ultimate VBA Add-in | Click for Free Trial!

Retry Cancel Message Box – vbRetryCancel

messagebox retry cancel

          Sub MsgBox_RetryCancel()  Dim answer As Integer answer = MsgBox("Retry Cancel Example", vbRetryCancel)    If answer = vbRetry Then     MsgBox "Retry"   Else     MsgBox "Cancel"   End If  End Sub        

VBA MessageBox Examples

Message Box Confirmation Before Running Macro

This code will display a Yes No Message box before calling a macro. If Yes is clicked the macro is called, if No is clicked, the Macro does not run.

          Sub Msgbox_BeforeRunning()    Dim answer As Integer   answer = MsgBox("Do you want to run Macro1?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)    If answer = vbYes Then Call Macro1  End Sub        

vba confirmation box run macro

Yes / No Message Box – Exit Sub

Here we will confirm with the user whether to continue running a macro. If No is clicked, the code will exit the sub, otherwise the procedure will continue.

          Sub Msgbox_BeforeRunning()    Dim answer As Integer   answer = MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)    If answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub      'Some Code  End Sub        

vba yes no exit sub

VBA Message Box in Access VBA

All of the above examples work exactly the same in Access VBA as in Excel VBA.

vba yes no msgbox


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